Stop Writing Bad Science Code

Robert Link

19 August, 2017

The Big Pile of Scripts

rm(list = ls())

srcdir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)

## read the observational data
print('Reading data.')
datadir <- normalizePath(file.path(srcdir, '../../data'))
alldata <- read.csv('food-dmnd-price-allrgn.csv')

## read the mc results:  we assume that the data has all been gzipped
mcrslt.all <-'mc-food-dmnd.allrgn.dat.gz')

The Big Pile of Scripts

## find the maximum likelihood parameter sets
pv.all <- mcparam.ML(mcrslt.all)        # vector for passing to mc.likelihood 
p.all <- mc2param(pv.all)               # parameter struct for passing to food.dmnd
pp.all <- mcrslt.all[which.max(mcrslt.all$LL),] # data frame for pretty-printing

### plots that require just the observational data
print('Running:  obs plots (output = hist.sigma)')
## histogram of sigma values
pltdata <- mutate(alldata, Nonstaples=sqrt(sig2Qn), Staples=sqrt(sig2Qs)) %>%
    select(GCAM_region_name, year, Nonstaples, Staples) %>%
    melt(id=c('GCAM_region_name', 'year'))

hist.sigma <- ggplot(data=pltdata, aes(x=value)) +
    facet_grid(variable ~ .) + geom_histogram(binwidth=0.02) + theme_minimal() +
    ggtitle('Imputed sigma values') + xlab('sigma (1000 cal/person/day)')

The Big Pile of Scripts (Aftermath)

> ls()
  [1] "alldata"                  "apply.bc.rgn"             "apply.bias.corrections"   "calc.elas.actual"        
  [5] "calc.hicks.actual"        "calc1eps"                 "calc1q"                   "chisq.all"               
  [9] "chisq.rgn"                "chisq.rgn.trn"            "chisq.yr"                 "chisq.yr.trn"            
 [13] "compute.bc.rgn"           "compute.bias.corrections" "datadir"                  "eta.constant"            
 [17] "eta.n"                    "eta.s"                    "fit.with.err"             "food.dmnd"               
 [21] "food.dmnd.byincome"       "food.dmnd.byyear"         "hist.sigma"               "lamks2epsy0"             
 [25] "make.byincome.plot"       "make.byyear.plot"         "make.demand.plot"         ""    
 [29] "make.paper1.obs.plots"    "make.paper1.param.plots"  "mc.chunksize"             "mc.eval.fd.likelihood"   
 [33] ""      "mc.likelihood"            "mc.likelihood.1"          "mc.logfile"              
 [37] "mc.make.byyear.plot"      "mc.obsdata"               "mc.setup"                 "mc.splitvec"             
 [41] "mc2param"                 "mcparam.clip.tails"       "mcparam.density"          "mcparam.itercount"       
 [45] "mcparam.ML"               "mcparam.sample"           "mcrslt.all"               "mcrslt.rgn"              
 [49] "mcrslt.yr"                "merge.trn.tst"            "namemc"                   "p.all"                   
 [53] "p.rgn"                    "p.yr"                     "paper1.bc.plots"          "paper1.chisq"            
 [57] "paper1.fix.notation"      "" "paper1.residual.analysis" "paper1.rmse.all"         
 [61] "path"                     "plot.elas"                "plot.hicks"               "plot.qty"                
 [65] "plts.bc"                  ""              ""              ""              
 [69] "plts.param.all"           "Pm.vals"                  "pmax8"                    "pmax9"                   
 [73] "pmin8"                    "pmin9"                    "Pn.vals"                  "pnscl"                   
 [77] "pp.all"                   "pp.rgn"                   "pp.yr"                    "prepare.obs"             
 [81] ""        "Ps.vals"                  "psscl"                    "pv.all"                  
 [85] "pv.rgn"                   "pv.yr"                    ""             "report.param.values"     
 [89] "resid.stats"              "rmse.all"                 "samp.params"              "simplify.region"         
 [93] "srcdir"                   "validate.params"          "vec2param"                "x0"                      
 [97] "x1"                       "xval.rgn.trn"             "xval.rgn.tst"             "xval.yr.trn"             
[101] "xval.yr.tst"              "y.vals"

A Good Analysis Script

run_analysis <- function(inputfile) {. . .}
make_plots <- function(results) {. . .}
## Run analysis. Results are a named list with the following elements:
## (. . .)
results <- run_analysis('input-data.csv')

## Make common plots. Plots are returned in a list with the following elements:
## (. . .)
plots <- make_plots(results)

Use Your Language’s Package System

Use Your Language’s Package System

Refactor Your Code

read_and_clean_data <- function(filename) {. . .}

calc_frobnitz_coef <- function(frobdata) {. . .}

make_sankey_diagram <- function(pltdata) {. . .}

Refactor Your Packages

  • expt1-data
  • my-utilities
  • my-analysis
  • expt1-paper

Use a Version Control System

Use a Version Control System

…and learn how to use it well

Don't be this guy!

Develop Good Documentation

#' Calculate the Frobnitz coefficient
#' This version of the Frobnitz calculation follows the treatment in ...
#' There are three possible modes for the calculation. The 'normal' mode ...
#' @param bflux Vector of bogon flux values in counts/m2
#' @param mode String indicating the mode (see details). The default is 'normal'
#' @return Vector of Frobnitz coefficients (unitless)
calc_frob <- function(bflux, mode = 'normal') {

Use a documentation generator:

Write a Test Suite

Testing science codes is hard because often you don’t know the correct answer.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Run the basic RCPs
$HECTOR input/hector_rcp45.ini
$HECTOR input/hector_rcp85.ini

# Make sure the model handles year changes
sed 's/startDate=1745/startDate=1740/' input/hector_rcp45.ini > input/hector_rcp45_time.ini
$HECTOR input/hector_rcp45_time.ini

# Turn on the constraint settings one by one and run the model
# CO2
sed 's/;Ca_constrain=csv:constraints\/lawdome_co2.csv/Ca_constrain=csv:constraints\/lawdome_co2.csv/' input/hector_rcp45.ini > input/hector_rcp45_co2.ini
$HECTOR input/hector_rcp45_co2.ini
  • Verify that the code runs in all of its modes.
  • Where possible, compare to reference output.
  • Generate a set of diagnostic figures.
  • Thoroughly test utility functions.

Use a Profiler to Figure Out Why Your Code is Slow

Miscellaneous Tips

  • Use a public repository
    • GitHub (git only)
    • BitBucket (git or mercurial)
  • Practice frequent code review
  • Critique yourself retrospectively
  • Do periodic spring cleaning
  • Use good judgement

Slides and Notes